Cryptome DVDs. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome collection of 47,000 files from June 1996 to January 2009 (~6.9 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of,,,, and, and 23,100 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.

5 September 1998
Source: Anonymous via Bill Payne

[Lecture overlays]

Fall Leadership Program

"Looking to the future: A more dangerous world is appearing."

C. Paul Robinson

Director and President,
Sandia National Laboratories

August 19, 1998

Sandia National Laboratories


The "Rumsfield Commission" has delivered a serious wake-up call.

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The Rumsfield Commission -

the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States

[Executive Summary: BMThreat.htm]


The Rumsfield Commission reported and even more frightening condition

A rapid and extensive worldwide proliferation is emerging:


The Rumsfield Commissioners unanimously concluded:

There are concerted efforts to acquire long-range ballistic missiles, nuclear weapons, and biological & chemical weapons by a multiplicity of nations.


The Rumsfield Commissioners unanimously concluded:

Within five years, these nations will have the capability to inflict major damage on the United States.


Foreign assistance and cooperation in proliferation is widespread.

Our policies have done little to retard proliferation.

- Russia, China, North Korea, Pakistan


Nations are able to conceal important elements of their proliferation efforts.

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Perhaps the worst development in the new paths of proliferation is the new pattern of cooperation.

A counter-trade has developed in both the technology, the materials, and indeed in some cases, the actual hardware for highly destructive nuclear (and biological) weapons systems.

What one has is exchanged for what the other lacks.

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A quick walk around the globe: Russia

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A quick walk around the globe: China

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A quick walk around the globe: India

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A quick walk around the globe: Pakistan

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A quick walk around the globe: Iran

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A quick walk around the globe: North Korea

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A quick walk around the globe: other emerging threat nations

What is perhaps most frightening is the apparent increase in the flow of technology, hardware, and a "barter system" in dangerous materials. We must understand "What are their motives?"

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Can the US fail to address all major threats to its security from any nation whose nuclear weapons (or other WMD) arsenals pose a substantial risk to the US?

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The Rumsfield conclusions reveal a major failure in current US policies.

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There are solme promising steps being taken within the Pentagon.

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What should Sandia be doing?

CPR: 20


See also:

trac071598.htm     Threat Reduction Advisory Committee Launched
wmd-export.htm     Tightening Weapons Export Controls
wc071598.htm       DoD's Cohen on Weapons of Mass Destruction
wh071598.htm       White House on RU Weapons Technology Probe
hd105-271.htm      Report to Congress on Proliferation of WMD
dod-rra-wmd.htm    DoD on Regional Rapid Assessment of WMD
dod-wmd            DoD Policy: Weapons of Mass Destruction
nuke-future        Spread of WMD and US Nuclear Strategy
wmd-lugar.txt      Sen Lugar: Combating WMD
mercier.htm        Terrorists, WMD, and the US Army Reserve